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When provisioning VDAs through MCS you may notice that many AWS instance types are missing from the machine specification list. Some of those instance types include C5 and M5.

As per the following Citrix article:

AWS instance types are pre-defined in the Delivery Controller software in a file called “InstanceTypes.XML” This means Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) is unable to discover instance type changes automatically as Amazon introduces new ec2 offerings in their cloud services.

In order for CVAD to enumerate these missing instance types, a manual update of InstanceTypes.XML must be performed on all Delivery Controllers in the Site. For Citrix Cloud customers you must manually update this file on all Cloud Connectors.

InstanceTypes.XML can be found in the following path. %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Citrix\HCLPlugins\Hypervisor<x.x>\AWSConfiguration\InstanceTypes.xml

Open the file using a text editor and add the required instance types. This can be done by copying and pasting an existing instance type and updating all its details.

For reference, the following XML code below has entries for most instance types currently missing from the default list.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<InstanceTypes xmlns=""
               xsi:schemaLocation=" InstanceTypes.xsd">

    <!-- First generation instances -->

        <Name>M1 Small Instance</Name>

        <Name>M1 Medium Instance</Name>

        <Name>M1 Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>M1 Extra Large Instance</Name>

    <!-- Second generation instances -->

        <Name>M3 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>M3 Double Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>M3 Medium Instance</Name>
        <Name>M3 Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>M3 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>M3 Double Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>M4 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>M4 Double Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>M4 Medium Instance</Name>
        <Name>M4 Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>M4 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>M4 Double Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>M4 Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>M5 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>M5 Double Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>M5 Medium Instance</Name>
        <Name>M5 Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>M5 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>M5 Double Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>M5 Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>

    <!-- Micro instances -->

        <Name>Micro Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>Very Low</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- Next generation T2 instances, which build up CPU credit while idle, allowing for bursting on demand. -->

        <Name>T2 Nano Instance</Name>

        <Name>T2 Micro Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>Low to Moderate</NetworkPerformance>

        <Name>T2 Small Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>Low to Moderate</NetworkPerformance>

        <Name>T2 Medium Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>Low to Moderate</NetworkPerformance>

        <Name>T2 Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>Low to Moderate</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- High memory Instances -->

        <Name>High-Memory Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>High-Memory Double Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>High-Memory Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>

    <!-- High CPU instances -->

        <Name>High-CPU Medium Instance</Name>

        <Name>High-CPU Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>High-CPU Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>High-CPU Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>High-CPU Extra Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>High-CPU Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>High-CPU Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- C4 series -->

        <Name>C4 Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>C4 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>C4 Double Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>C4 Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>C4 Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>
        <Name>C5 Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>C5 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>C5 Double Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>C5 Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>C5 Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- Cluster Compute Instances -->

        <Name>Cluster Compute Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <IOPerformance>Very High</IOPerformance>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- High Memory Cluster Instances -->

        <Name>High Memory Cluster Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <IOPerformance>Very High</IOPerformance>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- Cluster GPU Instances -->

        <Name>Cluster GPU Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <IOPerformance>Very High</IOPerformance>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

        <Name>GPU Extra Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>Cluster GPU Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <IOPerformance>Very High</IOPerformance>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- High I/O Instances -->

        <Name>High IO Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <IOPerformance>Very High</IOPerformance>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>
        <Name>I2 High IO Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>I2 High IO Extra Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>I2 High IO Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <Name>I2 High IO Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- High Storage Instances -->

        <Name>High Storage Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <IOPerformance>Very High</IOPerformance>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- Next Generation Memory Optimized R3 -->

        <Name>R3 Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R3 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R3 Extra Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R3 Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R3 Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- R4 series -->

        <Name>R4 Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R4 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R4 Extra Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R4 Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R4 Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

        <Name>R4 Sixteen Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>20 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>
        <Name>R5 Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R5 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R5 Extra Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R5 Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>R5 Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

        <Name>R5 Sixteen Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>20 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- I3 series -->

        <Name>I3 Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>I3 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>I3 Extra Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>I3 Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>I3 Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

        <Name>I3 Sixteen Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>20 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- F1 series -->

        <Name>F1 Extra Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>F1 Sixteen Extra Large Instance</Name>

    <!-- D2 series -->

        <Name>D2 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>D2 Double Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>D2 Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>D2 Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- P2 -->

        <Name>P2 Extra Large Instance</Name>

        <Name>P2 Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

        <Name>P2 Sixteen Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- X1 -->

        <Name>X1 Sixteen Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

        <Name>X1 Thirty-Two Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>20 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

    <!-- G3 -->

        <Name>G3 Quadruple Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

        <Name>G3 Eight Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>10 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>

        <Name>G3 Sixteen Extra Large Instance</Name>
        <NetworkPerformance>20 Gigabit</NetworkPerformance>



Once the InstanceTypes.XML is updated copy and replace the file for the remaining Delivery Controllers and/or Cloud Connectors.

Restart both the Citrix Host Service and the Citrix Machine Creation Service on each affected Delivery Controller.

Navigate back to Studio and the missing instance types should be enumerated.

Important Notes:

It will be critical to create a backup of this XML file. One thing the Citrix article fails to mention is that these files will be written over during an upgrade.

For Citrix Cloud customers this file will be over-written every time the connector automatically updates. For an on-prem deployment, this file will be over-written during a product upgrade as mentioned above.

This workaround is not ideal and has been brought to Citrix’s attention. Hopefully, an upcoming product update will remediate the need to make changes to the InstanceTypes.XML. An update to this article will be made should a product change has been introduced.


Update June 15, 2020: The article has been updated to include new instance types.

Update October 2020: There is a community script at GitHub using PowerShell to dynamically pull the current AWS instance types and format them in the necessary Citrix format. This may assist some organizations in maintaining a more current set of instances dynamically, with some automation. This GitHub script can be found here.

  • Reubin Huckle
    Reubin Huckle

    Reubin is a seasoned consultant specializing in Microsoft, VMware, Public Cloud, and Citrix infrastructure platforms, with a focus on digital workspace technologies and interests in scripting and web coding.

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4 years ago

so this did not work for me. i got an error when creating the image.

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